Rabbi Isaac Roussel
Dec 4, 2024
Congregation Zera Avraham is a community of Jews and intermarrieds who believe that Yeshua is Israel's promised Messiah and who practice their faith as loyal members of the Jewish people.
Congregation Zera Avraham meets every other week for Shabbat services in-person and online, plus holidays and special events. Check our Calendar under the Resources Menu.
Zera Avraham is Hebrew for "Seed of Abraham." We are a Jewish congregation, a synagogue, that honors Yeshua (Jesus) as Israel's Messiah.
We esteem Jewish tradition highly, and find within it the veiled presence of the resurrected Rabbi from Nazareth, whose life is forever bound to that of his people. We are also committed to Jewish continuity, believing that the Most High has entered into an irrevocable covenant with the Jewish people that forever connects the Divine Name to the people of the covenant.
Among Jewish people today there are various denominations or forms of Jewish faith. These include Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and others. In recent years another kind of Judaism has emerged. It is called Messianic Judaism. Like the others, it is a way of expressing love for and obedience to the God of Israel. And again, like other forms, Messianic Judaism has its own unique quality. Our distinctive mark is our conviction that Jesus, whom we call by his Hebrew name, Yeshua, is the long-awaited Messiah. Like all other forms of Judaism, we seek to live in ways which resonate with our Jewish past and present.
Education is extremely important to our congregation. We try to provide for all the needs of our members and even to the needs of the community around us.
We provide childcare as needed during Sabbath services and Shabbat school classes for K-6th grade. Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation classes are taught and we have a middle/high school youth group called, "Torah Ninjas."
For adults, we have several Hebrew classes, a Mussar (Jewish ehtics) group, and a Talmud study group.
And for the community we do a monthly "Ta Shema" lecture series and have several congregants to who teach at various churchs and organizations around Ann Arbor.