Shabbat School
We provide child-care for ages six-months to pre-school, and hold Shabbat school classes for school-aged children up through their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. From kindergarten up, our children study Hebrew, learn to read, write and practice conversational Hebrew. They lead the congregation each week in the Kiddush liturgy. Learn more

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training
Our goal at CZA is to prepare your child for his or her bar/bat mitzvah in way that further builds their Jewish identity, love for Mashiach, commitment to congregational life and to God. Therefore, we strive to prepare each student with more than just the skills needed for the actual service. Learn more

Youth Group - Torah Ninjas
CZA's youth group is called the Torah Ninjas. Their focus is to have fun and build relationships while studying Torah (Hebrew Bible), Besorah (New Covenant Scriptures), and Jewish heritage.

Adult Enrichment
We offer several adult learning opportunities including a Talmud study group, a women's group currently studying Mussar (Jewish ethics), and an adult Hebrew class. Contact us directly for more details. Learn more