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For Our Visitors...


Here is some information about our services which will aid you as your prepare for a visit:

ATTIRE: As in most synagogues attire at our services reflects our concern to honor the Sabbath and the Torah. Men wear suit jackets and ties or at least adhere to a business casual standard. Women wear dresses, skirts, or dress slacks.

TIME: Services begin promptly at 10am and are two hours.

KIPPOT: We expect all men to wear kippot (head coverings)

during services. This practice is optional for women. Kippot

are provided at the facility but you may bring your own if

you like.

TALLIT: Jewish men and women may also wear a tallit (prayer

shawl). We ask that guests who are not Jewish refrain from

wearing a tallit as this ritual garment symbolizes Israel's unique

relationship with God.

STANDING: There are times during the service when the congregation will suddenly stand, sit, or pray silently. No, we're not meshuganah (crazy). We're just following long standing traditions woven into our prayers. There are instructions in small print in our siddurs (prayer books) for you to try to follow along. Don't worry about offending anyone.


FOOD: After most Shabbat services, we host a kosher dairy/parve (vegetarian) pot luck lunch. You are welcome to join us and don't feel obligated to bring food. There is always plenty. We look forward to getting to know you and for you to learn more about us.


If you arrive 15 minutes early, one of our members happily will orient you to our liturgy.  We welcome you to our services and hope that you will enjoy your time with us!



Zera Avraham

Join us this coming Sabbath.  

Experience the love of Messiah Yeshua 

in a truly Jewish service.

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