Additional Resources
Camp Or L'Dor - Bringing light to the next generation of Messianic Jewish teens (13-18).
Chevra USA - Chevra means friendship. Our goal is to help our people in their time of need.
First Fruits of Zion/Vine of David - a Messianic Jewish ministry that focuses on Bible study and education.
Hashivenu - An annual Messianic theology forum.
The Helsinki Consultation for Continuity in Messiah - Theologically investigating what it means for Jews to recognize in Yeshua the Messiah of Israel.
Kesher - One of the joys of life in and around the Messianic Jewish community is discussion, debate, and friendly argument. It’s a time-honored Jewish value, and an essential part of life-long learning, as reflected in the saying of Rabbi Ben Zoma: Who is wise? One who learns from everyone, as it is said, “From all my teachers I have gained wisdom” (Pirke Avot 4:1). Kesher, a Messianic Jewish journal, has long been a critical part of this process of wisdom gathering and sharing, providing lively and insightful discussions.
Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council - Rooted in Torah, instructed by Tradition, faithful to Messiah Yeshua.
Messianic Jewish Theological Institute - Foundation and graduate programs in Jewish studies, Cantorial Arts and Rabbinical Training.
The New School for Jewish Studies - an online school offering short- and long-term study of the Tanakh and the writings of Chazal, the sages of early Judaism.
Toward Jerusalem Council II - Uniting Jews and Gentiles for Yeshua's Return.
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations - Uniting and strengthening Jewish congregations that honor Yeshua the Messiah of Israel.Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations - Uniting and strengthening Jewish congregations that honor Yeshua the Messiah of Israel.