Yom Kippur: Tale of Three Cities
Charles Dickens wrote the Tale of Two Cities, but I would like to talk this morning about the Tale of Three Cities. His was a story of a...

Shabbat Shuvah: Jonah the Elder Brother
On Yom Kippur afternoon we read the story of Jonah, whom God commands to call Nineveh to repentance. After a few digressions, Jonah...

Rosh Hashanah: Chana's Prayer
Traditionally, the readings for the first day of Rosh Hashanah are about the birth of Isaac and then those for the second day are about...

5781 Shabbat Shuvah & Ha'azinu
You are extremely blessed. No. Seriously. I wrote two sermons for this morning so go get some coffee. Seriously I really did. I wrote the...

Nitzavim-Vayelech: The Great Commission Reinterpreted
In our Besorah reading today, we read the final verses written by the Talmid Matityahu, the disciple Matthew, of Yeshua’s final words to...

Ki Teitzei - Amalek, Yibum, and the Vulnerable
Good morning. This parsha contains one of the most troubling mitzvot in the entire Torah: Mechiyat Amalek – the command to erase the...